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Join LightLink token distribution on Fjord Foundry

LightLink is an Ethereum Layer 2 blockchain that lets dApps and enterprises offer users instant, gasless transactions.

Total raised from April 18 to April 23, 2024

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How it works

LightLink is using a Liquidity Bootstrapping Pool (LBP) on Fjord Foundry, aimed at fair token distribution. This method adjusts prices based on demand, preventing dominance by whales and bots and ensuring a fair purchase price for all participants.

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What crypto Twitter says about LightLink’s LBP

Details for LL's LBP

The LBP design ensures an adequate supply for all participants, with a gradual price decline for fair price discovery.

  • April 18, 2024

    Start date and time

  • April 23, 2024

    End date and time

  • 50,000,000 LL

    Project token

  • Ethereum


  • ETH

    Collateral token

  • 99% LL / 1% ETH

    Start weights

What is LightLink

We are the first L2 to leverage an Optimium design with proprietary technology. Our architecture enables gas fees below $0.01 and truly gasless transactions through Enterprise Mode, regardless of network activity.

App screenshot
LightLink’s key feature

Enterprise Mode enables gasless transactions directly from your Metamask wallet without requiring any other actions.

  1. Devs use Enterprise Mode to activate a contract address whitelist.
  2. Devs pay monthly subscription to subsidise gas fees for whitelisted dApp users.
  3. Users interact with the whitelisted dApp without fees.

LightLink raised $5.28M in 5 days in April 2024

You can acquire LightLink tokens on any of these exchanges now

  • Bybit
  • Kucoin
  • Elektrik
  • Uniswap
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Join our 200,000+ member community

In less than 6 months, we have expanded our community from zero to over 200,000 users. Come and be a part of our growing gas-free Web3 ecosystem and community!

Boomerang Illustration